Thursday, 24 July 2014

Day 1

Our first full day started late, mostly due to the fact that the participants from Georgia and Armenia only got here in the early hours of the morning and they needed some time to catch up on their sleep.  Not that we complained,  with most of us sleeping late.

We had breakfast all together and then the actual programme of activities started with some more icebreakers, this time with the whole group present.  It was not easy to learn everyone's name but in the end I think most managed. 

Before we knew it, the participants were making up their own game, learning about each other and the different countries. 

Next we spent some time talking about rules and we agreed on a few basic ones like respecting each other,  participating actively,  and listening to each other. 

Przemek and Marta then introduced the first workshop called "Identity Caught in a Frame". Participants were paired, asked to find out as much about each other as possible and to then take a photo which represents them. These photos will be used in the second part of the workshop tomorrow. 

After a scrumptious lunch,we had some free time and then Jakub led an extremely interesting discusion about our identities and life experiences with a vivid exchange of opinions and ideas across the different generations present.  

After a quick break during which we were treated to drożożówica, a traditional delicacy fresh from the local baker, the workshop went on. Participants had the opportunity to look at the way different community groups are perceived by society in general,  the prejudices that exist and how these do not necessarily vary much between the various groups. 

The workshops challenged us to think outside our frames of reference,  to put ourselves in other people's shoes and hopefully help all of us grow to be better persons. 

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